New beginning




2022-09-16 06:00


In ArcheWorld, there are 2 types of skills - Combat, Passive. At initial state, the first 4 skills are activated for each skillset.
  • There is an icon resembling a book on inactive skills, and those skills must be activated with Skill Notes in order to use them.
  • Passive skills will be automatically activated according to the number of learned Combat skills.
  • After activating the skills with Skill Notes, all conditions such as level requirements and skill points must be satisfied in order to use them.

Skill Notes

There are Grand, Rare, Arcane grade Skill Notes and they can be obtained through following routes:
  • Opening coinpurses obtained by defeating monsters
  • Grand: Normal, Elite monsters
  • Rare: Elite monsters of Void, Rift
  • Arcane: Boss monsters of Rift
  • Crafting with Skill Note Fragments at Magic Supplies Workbench

Restored Skill Note Boxes contain a random Skill Note and a Librarian’s Quill.
Item Name Crafting Materials
Restored Grand Skill Note Box 1 Shatigon’s Grand Crystal, 15 Grand skill note fragments,
100 Archeum, 50 Labor
Restored Rare Skill Note Box 1 Shatigon’s Rare Crystal, 25 Rare skill note fragments, 
1,000 Archeum, 100 Labor
Restored Arcane Skill Note Box 1 Shatigon’s Arcane Crystal, 100 Arcane skill note fragments,
10,000 Archeum, 1,000 Labor
A Skill Note Selection Box allows you to select the Skill Note that you want. Librarian’s Quills are required for crafting Skill Note Selection Boxes.
Item Name Crafting Materials
Grand Skill Note Selection Box 1 Shatigon’s Grand Crystal, 15 Grand skill note fragments, 15 Librarian’s Grand Quills,
100 Archeum, 50 Labor
Rare Skill Note Selection Box 1 Shatigon’s Rare Crystal, 25 Rare skill note fragments, 10 Librarian’s Rare Quills, 
1,000 Archeum, 100 Labor
Arcane Skill Note Selection Box 1 Shatigon’s Arcane Crystal, 100 Arcane skill note fragments, 5 Librarian’s Arcane Quills,
10,000 Archeum, 1,000Labor

Skill Activation

Inactive skills can be activated by selecting the skill with the matching Skill Note.
  • Once activated, skills can be learned and they can be used permanently.
Upon confirming skill activation, the skill is activated and can be learned as shown below.

Skill Reset

By clicking on 'Reset' below each skillset, skills in use can be reset.
  • Only the points that have been already invested in learning skills will be recovered, and cost will be charged according to the invested points.